Features MAB Corner: On the Horizon: MRI Technology in Dentistry & Orofacial Pain Management Medical Article: Psychological Therapies for Optimal Outcomes in Those with Chronic Pain From the YPC: Fall
Features MAB Corner: Controlling Chronic Pain from the Outside Medical Article: Developing a Personalized Treatment Approach for Trigeminal Neuralgia Using Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Patient Perspective: Visiting the Emergency Room Sponsor
Features MAB Corner: Persistent Idiopathic Facial Pain Patient Perspective: Deep Brain Stimulation Medical Article: Neuromodulation for Persistent Idiopathic Facial Pain Sponsor Spotlight: Mayo Clinic From the YPC: Facial Pain Resiliency
Features MAB Corner: How to Identify and Combat Medical Misinformation Medical Article: What You Need to Know About Using Medical Marijuana for Facial Pain Also included: Click here to access
Features MAB Corner: The FPA congratulates Dr. Liedtke on his election to the American Clinical and Climatological Association Medical Article: What is an Orofacial Pain Dentist? Also included: Click here
Features MAB Corner: The Facial Pain Patient Registry Medical Article: Columbia Neurosurgery’s Reflections on the Facial Pain Patient Journey and Treatment Options Also included: Patient Perspective – My Life with