Quarterly Journal<br />Fall 2016

Quarterly Journal
Fall 2016

Features Medical article: Do I Have Anesthesia Dolorosa? A Patient’s Guide to Management of Trigeminal Neuropathies and Other Facial Pains, Can Medical Marijuana Conquer Pain?, Stress Exacerbated Systemic Illness, YPC:
Quarterly Journal<br />Summer 2016

Quarterly Journal
Summer 2016

Features Medical article: Trigeminal Neuralgia without Neurovascular Compression by Dr. Kim Burchiel Orofacial Pain Diagnosis, Selecting a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioner, My Story with Facial Pain – Winnie Oguta,
Quarterly Journal<br />Spring 2016

Quarterly Journal
Spring 2016

Features Medical article: Dr. Jeffrey Brown, FPA Medical Advisory Board Chairman A TN Warrior Faces Medicare Part D, Prescription for harm: Dangerous drug mix leaves woman fighting for life, YPC:
Quarterly Journal<br />Winter 2016

Quarterly Journal
Winter 2016

Features Medical article: Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for Facial Pain FPA 10th National Conference, Teaching the Nervous System to Forget Chronic Pain, TN and the Wintertime Blues Click here to