June 24, 2021 Getting the Brain to Stop the Pain: Neuromodulation Dr. Konstantin Slavin discusses neuromodulation, a procedure used to treat and enhance quality of life in individuals who suffer severe chronic illness due to persistent pain.
June 24, 2021 How Facial Pain Affects Marriage and Family Janet Ditslear discusses how facial pain can affect marriage and family life.
June 24, 2021 Microvascular Decompression and Me Dr. Raymond F. Sekula, Jr. explains the microvascular decompression procedure, a treatment option for trigeminal neuralgia.
June 24, 2021 Overview of Trigeminal Neuralgia Dr. Michael Lim gives an overview of trigeminal neuralgia.
June 24, 2021 Diagnosis and Treatment for Facial Pain Dr. Michael Lim discusses different diagnoses and treatments for facial pain.
June 24, 2021 Diagnosis & Treatment of Children with Trigeminal Neuralgia Dr. Mark Linskey discusses how to get facial pain diagnoses and facial pain treatment for children.